Christmas Gifts 2009: 15 BEST Gadgets to Give (And Get) (PHOTOS)

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Our technical inventiveness, free markets, and openness to diversity and innovation make the US an incredible spawning ground for amazing discoveries. As enchanted as we are with this beautiful stuff, let us not forget that these are ultimately the products of our human brains. Our technical inventiveness, free markets, and openness to diversity and innovation make the US an incredible spawning ground for amazing discoveries. As enchanted as we are with this beautiful stuff, let us not forget that these are ultimately the products of our human brains.

Obvious? Well – enter neuroscience as it has been evolving in the past several decades.

Our brains’ complexity evolved primarily to enable calculations that enable out social relationships. Pure and simple — our brains and their activities – our minds are what they are because of the biological necessity of social bonding. Rocket science, neurosurgery, gee-whiz gadgets, great art, etc. are but side benefits of this wonderful miracle.

So – when we consider what gadgets to buy, especially for our kids, we must consider technology’s impact on the ecologies of our brains. Raising kids, we must protect their brains and minds as they interact with new technologies at the expense of family relationships.

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