Working Mother – Is Tech Taking Over Your Teen?

What a great article! Making good decisions about media consumption is an ongoing parenting and personal challenge for moms. Working moms, with limited time and random cell phone and other tech intrusions into their family time, often have special challenges. My work and research has shown me that this is an important family issue that parents are often torn about. Many come up with good compromises, but stay feeling uncertain and have guilt feelings. Except for limit setting, there just is not enough good guidance (except for scare advice) out there, even after over a decade of media dominance in our homes. So I decided to write “Kids, Families & Technology: A Guide for Young Families” as family- and child- centered book based on my many years of practice and research as a child psychiatrist about making media a positive part of parenting and family life (see I believe that media is here to stay, and with guided use can become a positive and helpful parts of family life that improve relationships.

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